02 October 2009

Humanity Aid for those in Need

Assalamualaikum and regards to all UPM students. May all of you be in the pinkest of health despite the hecticness of second test that we are going through right now and with the final examination just around the corner.

As we still sense the endless delights of Aidilfitri and Hari Raya celebration,  we were shocked by various natural disasters, which had occurred out of the blue and had stolen lives and properties. The incidence of the earthquake at Padang, Sumatera Barat yesterday  that was measured up to 7.9 on the ritcher scale that was also felt at a few place in Malaysia was estimated to have taken about 1000 lives and destroyed hundreds of houses and homes. An earthquake that measured up to 8.3 on the ritcher scale had also occurred in the Kepulauan Samoa and caused the incidence of tsunami that was between the height of 4 metres to 6 metres and hit as far as 1.6 km of land. This had reported to have taken 113 lives.

With that, on the humanities values and the growing 'mahasiswa satu malaysia' fortitude that is takes to heart present issues, Hanafi (NYDP) and I had agree to propose an immediate donation collection whether in the form of finance, items, or materials such as clothes to be carried out within UPM and thankfully, our proposal was well-accepted by the administrative of UPM who always support the virtous hopes and wishes of UPM students. Thus, we as the Students Respresentative Council of UPM 2008/2009 session has already drawn up a draft for the donation collection and the management of the humanity account to be further discussed with the university management to avoid any form of confusion or doubts that may be misused by some people.

I would also like to call upon and recommend to my beloved friends in various IPTA and IPTS Students Representative Council nationwide to part-take in this same initiative to help those in need.

Mohd Syamsul Salleh
President Of Student Representative Council
University Putra Malaysia


I represent the Secretary Board of the Students Representative Council UPM fully support this movement of aid to be channelled to the respective people considering that they are in dire need compared to us. Not to forget, we should forever keep in mind to always pray to God so that all disasters are kept far away from us and to continue blessing us in our lives on our beloved country Malaysia. Lets together forward help to lessen their burden. 1Malaysia regards.


I represent the Secretariat of in Campus Students' Welfare  strongly agree with this movement to provide any form of aids for those in dire need. As we are fortunate enough to not have to undergo such disasters regardless of whether natural or cause by our own action. Hence, it is of great importance for us to always appreciate all the things we have despite it being little or big. Besides appreciation, we should also always try our best to help others who are in dire need of any form of help. With that, let's us join together to provide whatever help that we can to reduce their lost.


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